
The Paulding County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society (OGS), also known as the Paulding County Genealogy Society, welcomes you to join us if you are interested in tracing your Paulding County family history.


Meetings of the Paulding County Genealogy Society are held on the second Wednesday of the following months; March, June, September & December at 6:30 p.m.  Unless otherwise announced, the meetings are held in the meeting room of the Paulding County Carnegie Library, 205 S. Main Street, Paulding, Ohio.

Paulding County, Ohio

Paulding County was formed from old Indian Territory, April 1, 1820. It was named for John Paulding, one of the three militia men who captured Major Andre in the War of the Revolution. The surface was level and the county covered by the Great Black Swamp. Hardy settlers drained the swamp and cleared the timber to make their homes and livelihoods. Paulding County covers 420 square miles.

2023 Officers
Everett Bennett – President
Vacant – Vice President
Sue LaFountain – Treasurer
Kay Stoller – Recording Secretary
Marilyn Smith – Newsletter Editor, Correspondence Secretary, First & Century Families Chair & Book Chair
Rhonda Burke-Feasby – Media Chair